Complimentary asian pose, ofc ♥ |
cheeeseee~ |
Hai-hai~!! Guess who had lots of fun on Friday the 13th?!! If you said, "hmmm....lemme think...OH! Mika did!!" then you guessed correctly~!! A gold star for you! It was super super hot! Even though I woke up early to do my hair and makeup and stuff.....it all sweated off!!! ;A; what a disappointment! But I still had a lot of fun, though my ears were being assaulted by tremendously loud basses that were amplified. And it was so hot D: Actually...it was so hot that my legs started sweating, which led to my shorts getting damp, which made me look like I had peed myself. /blush (>///<) how embarrassing. But nobody could see, thank the lord, because my shirt was really long and covered my shorts. There were actually some pretty attractive guys there and I got to listen to a couple of really cool bands. >O< There were some people doing bad, bad things ....not that I've never done such things, but I stopped doing them, I swear!!! D: But yea, these girls next to me were passing a joint around, and the smell of weed was unbearable. Ughhhh~! ;A; It made me want to throw up. Also, there was this shirtless guy in front of me who was jumping, which is totally fine, except that every time he jumped, he moved backward. That plus the fact that the girls behind me were shoving me forwards was not pleasant. I felt like I was going to be squished to death. IT WAS SUPER HOT TOO! GAHH~! But, besides all the nasty stuff, it was so much fun! I lost my voice at like 2:00 and then lost all strength in my legs at 5:00. I wore wedges, although I probably should have worn sneakers. My mistake >///< But this was my first concert type thing, so I didn't know what I was supposed to wear. Well, I'll be more prepared for next year!!!Miki, you should come next year with me, although you might not enjoy it as much because the bands are like screamo-ish type bands that say lots and lots of sexual and bad stuff. And poor Miku, who lives so far away!! I wanted to film it for you, but I totally forgot and I was always in the back of the crowd so if I did film, you wouldn't be able to see the bands. Q-Q Gomen-ne~~
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