Vivian on her snowboard~
Wishing her a very Happy Birthday \(>_6) |
Nihao~ (>w<)/ First off, I didn't get to take as many pictures as I wanted or thought I would, but oh well :/ (only posting a few) There were only a few good places to take pictures, but half the time it was on the lift and I was too scared to take out my phone cause I might drop it by accident (x_x) The view from the lift up the mountain was amazing though~ I didn't actually freak out when I look down/behind cause the scenery kept me distracted, it was so beautiful seeing everything from the top :') Anyways, we started out on the "Bunny Hill" aka. the easy hill that's not too steep, but I fell and crush regardless xP This is my first time, but I'm such a noob that I don't even know how to stop (>_<) I just keep going until I crash into something and then fly down a few meters before actually stopping (-___-") Surprisingly I didn't break anything cause the ratio of me crashing to not crashing is probably around 10:1 and that's not even exaggerating (T___T) Oh I even crashed into some branches and got stuck there until I untangled myself from the mess...Coming down from the top of the mountain was the worst and it literally took over half an hour, especially with me switching between skiing, walking, and sliding down the slope when nothing else worked to get me back up (>A<)/ Ah but enough of my failures...
Aaahh~ I'm bring used as a pillow \(>_<)/ |

Today I was actually pretty excited in AP Psychology cause I was the first to answer an IQ question thing correctly out of all the classes x3 I have the class period 9/10 and I think our teacher only has one more class after ours, so not bad right :) Simple joys of life again (^-^)/ Huhu~ Here's a picture of the problem~
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