Saturday, March 23, 2013

◇ ─── JSSF Competition 2013 ─── ◇

Hai-hai, my lovely peas~! So last Saturday was the day of the Jersey Shore Science Fair Competition 2013~! Otherwise known as JSSF! I actually hadn't finished my experimentation until the Tuesday before that weekend, and then I was busy on Wednesday and Thursday, so I had to finish my entire tri-board on Saturday night. Needless to say, I did not go to bed until 3 in the morning. Therefore, I missed the bus at 6:45 AM and so my parents had to drive me all the way down to Richard Stockton College where JSSF was being held. I got there at 9:15 and judging had already started. THANK GOD, I got there in the nick of time and was just in time for my judging. I'm not the strongest public speaker so my presentation was horrible, but I did manage to get the key points of my research in. My research was on the effect of fertilizer on the respiratory rate of peas. It wasn't anything substantial, but it was research that could have a big impact on world hunger because if you figure out the optimal concentration of fertilizer with which to grow crops, then we can assume that there would be a greater output of crops which would really help third-world countries like Africa since they do not have the abundance of crops that we do in America. Well, I guess my project didn't really impress the judges too much. I didn't win, nor did I get an honorable mention. le sigh~! Always next year, although this year was the most important since colleges won't care if I win next year because my applications will already be sent in. Oh well~ I have other competitions to worry about anyways like TSA in April!!! I NEED TO GET TO WORK ON THAT! I'll make another post soon! Probably a vlog! 

did not win Q-Q
my tri-fold~! Isn't it beautiful?!
I did this in the span of 5:00 pm to 3:00 am.
If there were an award for most awesome tri-fold,
I'd probably get it :3 I'm just saying.
But seriously, I put a lot of work into this. Q-Q

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