Le white hair~ |
Hai-hai, my unique snowflakes~!! I missed you all so much! I'm so sorry I haven't been on the blog much lately, too much work going on. I've been so stressed out and overloaded with assignments from school and etc. But anyways~! MERRY CHRISTMAS MIKU AND MIKI! *>O<* I hope you both had a wonderful holiday with your family. I had a nice time at my auntie's house in Long Island as usual. We always go to her house for Christmas and Thanksgiving and all the other holidays. But New Year's is always spent at my house. ^O^ eheh~ Xin Nian Kuai Le~!! Akemashite omedetou~!! etc etc. It's a little early, but I probably won't have time to write a post on New Year's so I'll do it early. By the way, has anyone noticed that the older you get, the less presents you get? I'm not complaining or anything, but just an observation. But I think it's because the quality of your presents increases as you get older. o-o I need to mail your Christmas present Miku, and Miki we need to get together some time so we can hang out ^O^ OH! WHICH REMINDS ME! My sister and I watched this Korean horror film today called White. You guys should watch it, if you're good at stomaching horror. It has EunJung from T-ara in it as the main protagonist. It's a really good movie. In the movie though, she dyes her hair white, and it looks so pretty D: It makes me want to dye my hair white. So I think I will...though next year. I have too many important things to do this year that require me to look...normal..^^; Like my cousin's wedding, and my internship, and next December I have to retake my driver's license photo. So I think senior year in the middle of the year, I'm going to dye my entire head white :3 eheh~! I still have to debate and think about this though. It's super dramatic, and I want to grow my hair out, but if I dye my hair, I'll probably cut it short like EunJung's in the movie. le sigh~ too many choices to make. What do you guys think? I've also decided to try dieting...again...I'll probably fail again, but you know what? I'mma keep on trying!!~ I want to lose a little weight before my cousin's wedding because I bought this really pretty dress that I want to wear, but since the store only had one in two size smaller than what I usually wear, I just bought it anyways. So it's doesn't really fit me at the moment, which is why I'm gonna try to lose weight. Don't judge, it was on sale for eight dollars. >O<
Thank you, thank you~ (^-^) Glad that everyone had a pretty decent Christmas :)and it's true, once the quality goes up, the quantity goes down :( not that there's really anything I have to get/want in particular so it doesn't really matter to me :3 Oh~ and Mika can we meet together sometime soon so we can exchange our gifts and maybe send Miku's gift then? Miku, I'm so sorry for slacking on mailing your gift...again (>_<)
ReplyDeleteAh, but EunJung looks so pretty in that picture, but as for white hair, I personally think it would be nice if it was for an event like animecon or something, but I wouldn't really plan on keeping it for long :/