professional mika w/ a blazer and glasses~ |
Hai-hai, my little bundles of wonderful~!!

So, it has been quite a while since I last posted on here. Seeing that it is December and my second favorite month after November (for obvious reasons), I thought it'd be good to be the first post of December on here~! *O* I'd like to update you guys on what's been going on with my life since it has been a while. Firstly, my GPA has dropped, but I'm slowly, but surely, bringing it back up...hopefully. >O< Also, I've been working my butt off trying fill up extra-curriculars for my college resume. I know it's a little early, but I'd like to be prepared. Especially since I am applying to one of the most competitive programs in college. My dream school, as I've told you guys before, is Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY. It has a 7 Year Accelerated Physician-Scientist Medical Program. It is wonderful and my top choice and is extremely hard to get into. Therefore, I have been preparing intensely so I know that I have good shot of getting in, although with my SAT score and my GPA, I don't think I'll get in. Q-Q BUT I SHALL TRY NONETHELESS~!!!! Speaking of SAT, I took another one today. I don't think I did well AT ALL. I couldn't focus for some reason. I just felt groggy and everything was just bad. I kept running out of time, and the one section that I wanted to improve probably got worse. I didn't even have time to finish my essay. Yep...my score is definitely going to go down. But there's nothing I can do about it now, right? I really don't have the time to take it over again. So this is my last SAT. I need to focus on my SAT II Subject Tests now because those are required to get into RPI and I really want to go there, so I HAVE to take them! I hope I do better on those le sigh~ Anyways, my composite score isn't too shabby, and I think my extracurriculars are pretty good. If my GPA goes up a little more, I think that I may have the slightest chance of getting in. Speaking of extra-curriculars....guess what guys? >O< So remember how I told you in one of my past posts that I had applied for an internship at UMDNJ and that I had gotten a response from one of the professors saying that he would look at my letters of recommendations and then decide whether or not I would get the internship? WELLLLLL~!!!! I GOT IT! ERHHHMAAAAGAWDDDD~!!! I'M SO SUPER DUPER EXCITED! IT'S RIDICULOUS! I am that much closer to becoming a doctor~ eheh. Actually, it's not much, but it is something. And I am so happy and proud of myself. The internship is in Newark so the commute is long, but it'll only be once a week, so it should be okay. I'm going to apply for another internship over the summer, so I may not have time to get a job and make money...I'm sorry >O< But I'm trying to set priorities and right now, college is super important to me. Of course, I will still make up my share of our trip money, but my parents promised me that if I get into RPI's Accelerated Medical Program, that they would pay for my half of the trip! HOW AMAZING IS THAT?! That's why I want to work hard and get into this college. Anyways, here's an update on my academic stats. You don't have to read this part. This is more for me, so that I can remember what to write down in college essays and resumes.
SAT I Math: 770
SAT I Reading: 720
SAT I Writing: 660
Composite: 1490
*tentative, may change after December 20th
SAT II Math Level 2: n/a
SAT II Biology: n/a
SAT II Chemistry: n/a
GPA: 92.86 --> 3.6
Bayshore Community Hospital Volunteer (3 years)
Field Hockey JV/V (sophomore and senior year)
GSA (founder)
TSA (junior year)
Academic Team (junior year)
Science League (if I pass the first test)
Music Club (3 years)
Internship @ UMDNJ
*Another Internship over the summer possibly
Shadowing a physician
EMT (possibly this summer)
Research Projects (tentative and unclear, needs work)
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