such a hipster picture, no?~ |
Hai-hai, my yummy sponge cakes~!! So, as I informed you guys earlier this week on le chatbox, I had a family reunion on Friday/Saturday in Setauket with my aunt, uncle, and cousins, plus a future cousin-in-law. It was actually my cousin's birthday, I think she turned 26 or somewhere around there. *^O^* We went to a wonderful sushi restaurant called Kotobuki in Hauppauge. My family and I go there on special occasions usually, and for more casual meetings we go to this Chinese restaurant where the manager knows my aunt so SPECIAL TREATMENT + MOAR FOOD~!! Yush, I am very gluttonous~! Food is wonderful /drool *^O^* Anyways, Kotobuki is actually really hard to get into =-= So freaking popular. It opens at 6:00 pm and people start waiting from 4:00 pm to get in. le sigh~ too much WAIT!! But the food is yummy, so it's pretty much worth the two hour line wait. Once I get my big girl license, we should all find some time to go to this sushi place together~ Especially since there is a Red Mango right next doors. Oh, Red Mango is a self-serve frozen yogurt bar and it is so good~!!! It's very much like YoMon in Freehold and Let's Yo in Manalapan. If you guys haven't been to either, THAT IS A PLACE WE MUST GO~!! it. is. DELICIOUS. And the numerous toppings and flavors and gahh~!! Anyways, so we had a family reunion and everyone got pretty drunk (the adults, i mean). Since my aunt lives pretty far from my house, we always spend the night and leave the next night. So, my dad and one of my cousins took the opportunity to get PISS DRUNK. It was actually pretty funny. One of my cousins in Korea is getting married in February so they were taking about it and my cousin goes (word for word, no joke) "I'mma buy you a tux. Sam-choon (uncle (on mom's side) in Korean), me and you, we're gonna go get matching tuxes and bowties and I'm gonna pay for everything. And we're gonna get matching shiny shoes and we'll be like James Bond~!!!!!" It was funny. And then he stole my stuffed bunny that my sister got for me from Korea and bit the ears and put it's head in his mouth. Q-Q NOOOOO!!!!! He gave it back....but it was damp..... /cries a river I cleaned it tho, and now it's all better ^O^ Anyways, so this piss drunk cousin decides to go play some Xbox and while he's playing he passes out on the floor. So Mika had to use her acquired party drinker skills and guide him back up the stairs into his room and to his bed....but at 3:00 am he fell off his bed.....twice. le sigh~ In other news, the reunion wouldn't have been complete without a visit to my grandparents~!!! My grandfather, as I mentioned before in another post, has been gone even before I was born, and my grandmother passed away in February 2007 (as you can see on their plate, its not easy to read tho). We brought my grandfather's ashes to America along with my grandmother's because she had passed away in a hospital in Korea. My dad searched high and low for a beautiful and peaceful cemetery to bury them, and we finally found one. He reserved a spot near the fountain for them. I think my grandparents in heaven would be very pleased. (o u o) Anyways, it was a good trip all in all~
P.S. ...I have another cold, and this one is pretty bad Q-Q send me an e-card to brighten my day~
just a picture of the clouds that i got from the car
it was too pretty not to take a picture of~
clouds remind me of cotton candy..... /drool |
le beautiful fountain where my grandparents rest near~ |
Mika's grandparents~ |
winston~ my aunt's cute King Charles Spaniel~
he thinks he's prince of the house, and rightly so~ |
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