Hai-hai~!!!!! ( I ran out of cute pet name type things to call you guys, so until I think up some more....bear (kukuku) with just a hello~) Anyways...I think I'm just pretty much blogging about whatever pops into my head at some special moment or whatnot. BUT~!! YAOI~!!!! ♥ >///< /dies from too much blood loss through nosebleed. I don't know what your stances on homosexuality are, but I'm totally okay with it, although I can't imagine myself liking another girl in an intimate way......ALTHOUGHHHHH~~ I do get girl crushes on celebrities and people like "ZOMG, she's so pretty >O< I want to be friends with her and get her to tell me all her secrets on how to be so perfect....etc etc" YEAPPPP... But I'm totally shipping yaoi anime/manga >///< it's just...just...gahhhh~~~ SO CUTEEEE ♥ Just makes me want to go "kYaaaaa~ ♥♥♥ /nosebleed" everytime i see it *O* I don't know, some kinds of yaoi are kind of......explicit, but the cute kind with shounen and cute guys and shtuff~ its just....sooo....gahhhh~~~ AND THE WHOLE DEBACLE WITH TAEMIN AND JONGHYUN~!!! SO SEXYYYYY~!! >O< i was like "NOOOOOO~~!!!! MY DEAR SWEET TAEMIN~!!!" BUT AT THE SAME TIME IT WAS JUST LIKE "...../looks around.....MOOOOAAARRRRR~~~~~!!!!" ...yea... Mika is kind of a pervert if you haven't noticed already... eheh~! And then, and then, when you're reading a yaoi manga, you end up kind of blushing and thinking about "oh, if only i were in that position w/ him~~" ......what? no? you don't do that? its just me? ....well. this is awkward. ANYWAYSSS~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that's pretty much it....
Here's are some yaoi pictures that will make your heart race~ *^O^*
look at it.....look at it.......KYAAAAAAA~~~~!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
/giant nosebleed |
>//< |
SHO CUTEEE~~!!! >O< |
Fairy Tail fan pictures....from Zerochan....that I found by accident and ended up liking a lot *>///<*
WARNING: cannot unsee
Natsu x Gray >///< |
I think I have been partially influenced by Mika regarding this topic >///< Miki is fine w/ it, especially if the guys are good looking huhu~ Exo reference time xD watch from 58:03... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7ObNpQ7Vn4&feature=related
ReplyDeleteI do not guarantee that your ears won't break from the sound of the fangirls screaming :P
hya-hya-hya~!!!! :3 IKR?
Delete; u ; S-so I'm not the only one~ ; U ;
ReplyDeleteI was gunna admit I liked Yaoi a long time ago but then I was like "but what if they think I'm weird for liking it...sdfz ; A ;"
And don't worry, I have thought that way, too = u =;;
kukuku~ mika is a little bit perverted >O< so she likes stuff like this as long as its cute and adorable/sexayyyy~~~ *^O^*