Hai-hai, my lovely hummingbirds~!!! *^O^* Yesterday, this Mika-chan went to her first day of SAT class at Princteon Review. I must say, I very much like this classroom more than I liked the last one. It's quiet and doesn't have excessive A/C blasting all the time~!! As for the classmates, I haven't gotten to talk to any of them yet, so I can't say anything yet, but I doubt I'll like anyone even remotely. Most of the girls seem like the kind of superficial girls that focus more on popularity at school rather than actual studying. And the guys seem to know each other already (?) o-o le sigh~ Oh, back in 5th grade, there was this girl in my class who I was sort of close with... (Mika was shunned in elementary school by a lot of the girls in her class ; A ; apparently one of the "popular" girls told all the other girls that they shouldn't talk to me or hang out with me. I didn't even know until middle school when one of the girls that shunned me told me about it...ahaha~ Mika is quite dense and has no common sense) But anyways, so this girl was nice to me and we hung out occasionally. Well, she has an older sister one grade above us, and I met her sister at my SAT class. I don't know if she remembers me, but I guess it's nice to know that I know someone ^~^; The teacher is super duper old!!!~ He's like ANCIENT. And kind of monotonous too....I feel like he's gonna be a boring teacher. Yesterday wasn't an actual class though; it was a diagnostic test....so pretty much a practice SAT. I don't think I did TERRIBLE but I don't think I did well either. I think I'll probably get somewhere around a 1900-2000, probably....hopefully... Ugh, SATs are stressing me out to the max. My heart keeps pounding every time I think of how close the actual test is coming. Q_Q I'm gonna keep pushing and pushing myself to be perfect on everything!!!!~
EDIT: >~< I did well~!! Altho, the finished score isn't up yet, the math and reading comprehension parts have already been scored. And I got a 730 in math and a 680 in reading comprehension~!!! >O< Maybe my studying is paying off~!!! I must do better and better!!!!!!
In other news, Mika has realized that she has not uploaded any pictures of herself lately, so yay~!! I took some photos yesterday before I went to SAT class and edited them with purikura~!! I swear, purikura is addictive! And look how cute I look~!! *^O^* I don't edit my face or eyes or anything. Just the hues/saturation/brightness and then add cute effects and frames. pfft, my eyes look humongous....but then, so does my nose... I think that I look better in photos than in real life = - = I don't think that's a good thing either. But meh, whatever~!! Makeup does wonders on my face~!! ^O^ I wish I could show you a picture of my hair too~!! I actually put some effort into it eheh~! >~<
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