Hai-hai, my sweet honeysuckles~!! Mika and her sister went-a-shopping today at le mall!!~ I was in dire need of some new shoes as my other pairs were all torn and blessed by God (geddit? Hole-y? O u O) All jokes aside, I needed to get new shoes, and I have been eye-ing some Converse high-tops for a while now. I don't know why I never thought to actually get them...maybe I thought they wouldn't look good? Well, who knows. But today, I went for it, and I got them~!! Hooray~! (BTW, am I the only one who actually pronounces it hoo-ray and not huh-ray? o-o) GETTING OFF TRACK AGAIN >O< must not digress from main point!!! OKAY. *O* So, I got me new shoes and I love them very much and I can't wait to actually wear them. I'm gonna try to take better care of my shoes, so they don't get worn too easily. Also, since I was already at the mall, I took it upon myself to replenish my jeans storage since I only have one last pair and it seems as though these won't last very long. HOLLISTER JEANS ARE SO FREAKING COMFORTABLE AND SOFT!!! *O* WHO KNEW?!~ Looks like Mika is nearly done with back-to-school clothes shopping. THANK THE LORD!~ I hate clothing shopping because I think it's so annoying trying on clothes. It makes me quite tired and also, it messes up my hair. I hate it when my hair gets messed up, especially if I actually did something to it that day. (= - =) Grumpy Mika = HELL...sort of. Anyways, what was I saying again? ...OH, JEANS! My sister got a discount for some reason, so I ended up getting two pairs for around $35-40 instead of paying $60 for each jean. SCORE!!!!~ It was all in all a very successful shopping trip. Now all I need to do is go to Old Navy and get some cardigans/sweaters and some basic tank tops and I'll be set for the new school year. I don't really need a lot of clothes. Especially since I can just re-wear what I already own~ I have to clean out my closet though and see what I have and don't have o 3o Cleaning my closet is the only type of cleaning I hate. Just because I always rush in the morning to find clothes so then my closet ends up filthy by the end of the week and cleaning it out is just a hassle. le sigh~ I should probably pick out my clothes at night so I wouldn't have to rush in the morning. I have a brilliant idea, although, I'm not sure if I can carry it out... I'll just buy five different colors of cardigans (well, maybe only three or four) and just have a designated day for each color~! *^O^* No fuss, no muss. But, what if people at school talk about what I wear and say things like I only have those clothes or the fact that I re-wear the same clothes in just different colors... TT----TT I don't want to be talked about!!!!~ But, maybe as long as I have different tank tops/shirts underneath, it might not be such a big deal? >O< I don't know, what do you guys think? And I'll probably wear different jewelry everyday too to make my outfits a little different? Would that make a change? ...probably not Q---Q le sigh~ I'll have to see how this goes down I guess. Anyways, I'll probably go to Marshall's to get one more pair of jeans and some shirts. I really only need one pair of shoes and I really love these Converse so that area is a check~! Oh, question~!! Do you guys get dressed up for the first day of school? Or do you not give a shit? I like getting dressed up, but usually, I'm too lazy and just wear whatever. BUT~! I do wake up early to do my makeup and hair~ eheh~! I'll take a picture on the first day of school of what I wore and how I did my hair and makeup~! hee-hee~! OH, I found this really cute jewelry website although, I think it's based in Singapore.... (
http://www.cube-gen.com/) they have some really cute accessories and I'm planning on getting some, maybe. AND ITS SUPER DUPER CHEAP!~!!! I love it X3 Well, I think that's all I had to say for today~
**EDIT: I just hastily cleaned my closet and sorted out school clothes and clothes I will probably never wear again and I surprisingly have more cardigans than I thought. So If I buy maybe three or four more, I'll be able to rotate each one every two weeks. No worries, no worries. And of course, I'll buy some shirts too, mostly just camis and tank tops to wear under the cardigans tho~
le new shoes~ I love them~ :3 |
Imma be trying to attain a pair of Converses, too ; u ;
ReplyDeletechucks are definitely my favorite type of shoes (sneakers wise)