SAT scores came out on October 25th, and if you looked at my Goals for Junior Year section, you already know that I did not achieve said goal. I had set my goal score to be at least a 2200 or above, but I fell short by 50 points and got a 2150. WHICH IS NOT A BAD SCORE BY ALL MEANS, just to clarify. I mean, most people would be over the moon if they got a 2150 and I acknowledge that I could've done worse and that a 2150 is a sufficient score. But you guys know that I worked so hard and studied really hard over the summer and during the first few months of school up until the SAT. But then I got sick on the testing day and I couldn't concentrate whatsoever. So, a 2150 is good especially since I was sick. But a 2150 is not the score I wanted and its definitely too low of a score for me, personally, to be satisfied with. Just so I don't offend anyone, as I stated above, a 2150 is not a terrible score at all. But everyone has a different standard to what they hold themselves by. For me, that standard is really high because I expect a lot from myself, as do my family. For me to get into my dream college, I really needed a high score, and a 2150 just doesn't cut that requirement. Also, it's just the fact that I know I could have done better and that I probably could've achieved my goal had I pushed myself more and maybe studied more and it's upsetting to me. But don't fret. I did cry a little, yes, because I was so afraid that I was going to fall short and not be able to get into my dream college. But I contacted the college, and they told me that they do superscore the SAT which makes me EXTREMELY happy. It means that I get another chance to improve myself and get my ideal score. Superscoring is when they take all the SATs that you took and look at only your best math, reading, and writing scores. So since my composite score for math and reading aren't all that terrible (770 and 720, respectively), I am going to retake the SAT in December and aim to get a 760-800 on the writing section which will bring my score up to a 2250-2290 which is PERFECT. So pray for me to do my best~! >O<
Yay~ You can do it Kitsune-chan \(^O^)/ But what is your dream college (o.O)?
ReplyDeleteI want to go to RPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) which mainly an engineering school, but they do have an Accelerated Medical Program that lets me finish college and medical school in seven years and I won't have to take the MCATs. It's in Troy, NY so it's far enough from home that I won't be bothered by my parents, but close enough that if I needed help or I wanted to visit, I could. But it's not my "dream" college (that would be Brown or Harvard), but it is the school that I most want to get into.