Thursday, November 29, 2012
Kpop Runner.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨
Nihao (^3^)/ So guess what I found? Kpop Tales Runner~ I guess it makes sense since Tales Runner is a Korean game, but when I saw this... pfft x3 I died laughing \(>v<)/ This is just beautiful xD a combination of my favorite MMORPG and Kpop <3 Just watch it and you'll know what I mean ;)
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Many Years in the Making (>; v ;<)
Well, this wasn't the post that I was talking about Mika-chan, but I do have some things to say~
Ok, first on the list is Thanksgiving
The only downside to it was that, instead of the usual delicious turkey gravy that is expected to sit right next to that very famous fat bird, there was gross sh-- e n e It was gravy, but not turkey gravy. It was this over salty blue cheese white gravy that shouldn't even belong on the kitchen table. Well, we were invited to my parents' friends' house and they made it, so I should be thankful and not complain, but when you take away both my turkey gravy AND my pumpkin pie.... e A e
So, anywhoos... wow, I actually have a lot to write about
I just wanted to post a real quick, really late Thanksgiving message of why I am thankful to you guys.
I am thankful to you guys because, so far, you have been the only friends to stick with me since I moved. None of my other friends get in contact with me, and when they do, it's not for that long of a time. You two were also the ones that showed me that good friendship can last for a long time and that I shouldn't give up on trying. I am so thankful that God chose you two to be the two people that I will receive good memories with, even if there is over a thousand miles between us (I think). I still remember the day that I met both of you. At that time I didn't know that I was going to be gaining the most awesome, smartest (smarter than me e n e), talented, creative, and altogether beautiful people as the ones I would call the peanuts to my butter~
If that sounds cheesy, I am sorry. I could write and type and sit and cry for hours expressing how big your existences have been in my life.
Aand, here's an awesome little tid bit e v e
I'm going to be getting my learners permit sooon!!
That means that I'll be one step closer to getting my license and being able to drive out to see you two<3
Now THAT is something else I am thankful for
After asking and waiting my parents just randomly said "Hey Emily, we are taking you down to the courthouse so you can get your learners permit." It was so out of the blue that I was like "... er..... o-ok .-." instead of jumping around saying "FINALF***INGLY!" (excuse my French) but that's how I felt a few minutes after getting over the shock~
Well, first comes the permit, then the license, then the driving out for a visit~
I shall be counting down the days for that > v <
And now, for the last thing on my list
Help ; A ;
No motivation for art!
I neeeed heelppp!!
Ok, I'm good~
Saturday, November 24, 2012
♥ ─── birthday/turkey day ──── ♥
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My friend Kevin got me a teddy bear as a birthday gift~! *^O^* |
P.S. Miki, I started playing Eden again for this weekend. I'm still at a nooby level 35 right now.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Kpop Perfomance.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨
La Kpop starts...soon (o_O)? Idk if we'll have any meets next week, but they were planning to do two days for practice until 4...That means out of the 6 track days I'll have to miss like 2...I might leave early in one of them so that I only miss on day of track at most :3 Even after quitting Saturday Piano class there's still a lack of time :/ Anyways Kpop <3 As of now I'm not really sure who's in the group...But basically it's composed of my APC fan/ribbon girls, tennis girls, orchestra people, track runners, younger siblings of some, and yeah that's it (o_o) Now that I think about it, it's pretty funny how everyone just falls in at least one of the catergories, or rather at least three people are in each catergory... I guess it makes sense that we have to know each other to being doing this performance together, but c'mon this is just (-___-") Spending too much time with these people xP jk jk (>v<)/ Aside from all that let's get to the actual topic of the songs we're going to use \(^O^)/ If Mika or Miku has any particular song in mind, please comment below xP Of course these are only suggestions so we might not even dance to some of them :'(
Shinee- Replay
F(x)- La Cha Ta
Exo- MAMA/History
Miss A- I Don't Need A Man
T-ara- Lovey Dovey
Taeyang- Wedding Dress
Bi- Rainism
SNSD- Genie
DBSK and B2st- (I forgot...)
Infinite- Chaser

Oh and you know the chibi kpop animations people design and post online? Well Miki suggested that we create chibi versions of ourselves for kpop and put it somewhere during the show and Kendra agreed x3 Kendra and I will most likely be doing this together, since I took computer graphics last year and she's taking it this year, so we'll have some basis in photoshop to fix up the drawings :P
(Here are some chibi animations that I found online...)
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SHINee |
Running &...Even More Running.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨
Nihao \(>v<)/ Good news~! After almost a year of shut down, Tales Runner has revived and is now under NOWCOM, the same company that is managing Korean Tales Runner x3 At least that means it won't shut down as easily :P Miki is really excited for this, and currently they're running a second CBT...the official release will probably be in another month or so maybe?...hopefully? \(o_<) I ready to jump into the game anytime now xP but Miki is going to need some practice to get her skills back x3 Will probably be playing with Vivian during the second CBT, but if you two have time please come on :) Miki's new IGN will most likely be Mizuki (Miki= Mizuki shortened without the "zu") or XiaoRui (...just cause the name looks nice xD and "xiao" means "small" in Chinese)
Next up is the actual running in real life (-___-") Winter Track starts the Monday after Thanksgiving and a lot more people I know are joining this year (o_O)/ That means crowded locker room and sharing a locker with like at least 5 other people :'( Well I'm going to bet that half of them are going to drop out by the first week anyways xP My theory is that if you can last through the first 3 days then you will be able to live for the rest of the season...cause 1) They try to scare off people by making it horrible the first week and 2) After the three days your body will probably be dead out, but you'll be use to it already :'D This is Miki's third year of Winter Track, I really hope to do better and PR (personal record) as that is one of my goals this year :) But one small problem (6_6)... be continued in the next post...
Side Note- Today was our school's first Pep Rally this year and well, let's say it was ehhh... :/ We were originally suppose to perform Gangnam Style, but our tennis team didn't get any practice because of the hurricane that canceled a week of school...Anyways there were two parts... The first one for the Freshmen and Sophomores, which was a fail for us since we had nothing, we're not the only ones, but my friend heard a comment from the football team saying something along the line like, oh the tennis team calmed it down for us and whatever, you know like saying, 'yeah don't worry at least we have the tennis team under us' etc. basically looking down on us cause we're not really that big of a team in our school. Some people don't even know that our school has a tennis team...There was only a Varsity team last year= 7 people (maximum for tennis), they only added a JV team this year cause we got more people~ Okay I'm getting side tracked, but yeah those guys are jerks, maybe we're not the best, but that doesn't mean we don't practice and try :( Anyways the tennis team got called out, we went to the center of the gym, the seniors of our team got called out- they walked to us, then we just went back to the bleachers...
Oh but the second part for the Juniors and Seniors was better cause first off they were more school spirited, it is their last year after all... Also, when the seniors on our tennis team were called out, they danced out to Gangnam Style, and two of our girls did the elevator scene xD The rest of the team was suppose to dance when the seniors were called, and Miki was ready, but no one did anything, so I gave up and just clapped *sigh* (=A=)...After we went back to the bleachers, the song was still blasting and I think a teacher or someone started dancing to it and everyone was cheering xP Some of my friends and I stood up and started dancing to it on the bleacher too xP That might as well be the highlight of the day on our behalf... Never remembered Pep Rally to be so boring before, but maybe it's because we had to sit through the performances two times (-___-") Ah! But the sad part was that during the second part when we ran out to the gym floor, my friend tripped and fell in front of all the Juniors and Seniors...which is at least a 1000 people (TT___TT) But it's her, most of the seniors and juniors know her (this child is in over ten clubs, and on the board of 2 of them) so it'll be easier to brush off you know :3 We'll just laugh about it together later xP I hope I didn't bore you two too much with this long post sorry \(>3<)
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
BIGBANG Concert 121109.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨
Nihao \(>v<)/ So this is usual (>___<) Sorry please forgive Miki, but this is going to be happening a lot for the days to come (=A=) First let me just rant about the sadness that my camera ran out of batteries (Q_Q) I didn't think that I'll need back up batteries, cause I thought I'll probably just be using my phone...But hell~ I found out that my camera takes damn good quality pictures even when it's zoomed in (>O<)...also I somehow left it on record for over five minutes in my bag, which wasted a whole lot of the power remaining Dx Anyways, once my camera was completely dead, I started to use my iPhone...everything went pretty well until my phone ran out of space for any videos or even pictures (TT___TT) I immediately began deleting pictures and even apps just to get some space back to record some more videos o(>_<)o In the end I deleted almost all of the apps I have on my phone (-___-")
That aside, getting there was pretty fun :3 Miki enjoyed the train ride, which seemed pretty short, maybe cause we were fangirling and eating munchkins, at least I was... nomnomnom the whole time xP The line when we got there was literally from one end of the street to the other, and around the corner (x_x) Some girls waited there since like 4a.m. in the morning and I met one who came all the way from Nebraska dear Miku-chan x3 (Btw sorry if the photos are a bit dark >3<)
Miki also brought three souvenirs...a headband, a light stick, and a t-shirt x3 Wasted so much money that day, but it was all worth it for BIGBANG~ (^O^)/ Except for the chicken caesar salad I brought outside Prudential Center, for eight dollars, it was crap...the chicken was hard and crunchy (=A=) There was a Korean store that sold Bubble Tea and warm food down the block but it was closed when we got there (TT___TT) even though it says it closes at like 5p.m. and it was not even near that time yet Dx After entering into Prudential Center, Miki got some actual food :3 ...But as of now I am currently broke Dx
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Warm food yay xD |
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Some friends from school we met up with later inside
Prudential Center :)
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It was so narrow and steep that if Miki took one stupid step, she would be tumbling down to the stage (>A<) |
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Below is the VIP section...apparently 1000 people (o.O)? |
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The seat went up pretty high too \(>_<) |
Ahem, now time for Miki to fangirl kyaa~ (>v<)/ G-Dragon, as usual, is so freaking amazing and talented x3 not to mention hot \(>v<)/ as Seungri says, he is a GENIUS :D TOP definitely made all the fangirls lose their voices from screaming so loud...I swear the moment he came out my ears were about to burst (x_x) But still~ did anyone see the encore video Seungri posted on youtube? TOP was so cute eeps~ (>///<)/check it out if you haven't yet (0:35-0:55) xD I died laughing at this, not to mention Seungri's little giggle in the end Eheheh~ Daesung is a freaking angel with his wings~ (*0*)/ Tenshi I tell chuuu~ Soon followed by a nosebleed when the others ripped off his shirt during the encore (>///<) goodness~ And Taeyang, why couldn't I be the one to get your jacket (TT___TT) same goes to the panda head/hat that Seungri wore \(>o<)/ Now Seungri...ahem... was organizing the stuff animals into a neat little row on stage pfft x3 your dorkiness is just adorable <3 (Just a few picture here of the concert...Miki took more videos than pictures though so yeah...)
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2012 November 9th |
So after all the screaming and kyaa~ing and nosebleeds xP I went with my friends to the back entrance and we saw Taeyang in his car (*O*) Most of the girls there basically mobbed his car...Miki followed others to the car too, but quickly ran back, cause the car was literally going to hit us (it stopped and then suddenly pushed forward) me if it was legal the driver would run over all of us (-___-") Anyways I was initially about a meter or two away, which is pretty far when he's so close... *sigh* so close yet so far is so true in this case... Sadly after returning to the side, the distance was at least 3 meters away :( I was kind of disappointed, but then Taeyang looked at my direction/side and smiled while holding up a peace sign (Q_Q) Taeyang, why must you be so cute~ definitely just jumped up on my bias list o(>3<)o ...still I apologize for acting so rash, cause it was probably more proper to not go towards the car...regardless of the fact that there are many other girls charging over and banging on the window (-___-") I must admit I am kind of jealous of those who got to see him up close, but I'm content that Taeyang was so sweet to look at all his fans <3
The Monday we got back to school, we all decided to wear our BIGBANG shirts and during the week after the concert, we were still talking and kyaa-ing about it xP Especially when we're already discussing/planning for kpop section this year for our APC (Asian Pacific Club) show x3
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Halloween.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨
Nihao \(^O^)/ So due to the hurricane and lost of electricity, Halloween for us was officially pushed back to Monday November 5th instead x3 I went with some friends to a neighborhood nearby...the place didn't have power back on yet, so we were all debating whether we should actually knock on the doors...we even joked that we're literally going to get hit/attacked by someone for asking for candy at a time like this xP Anyways, it was in the afternoon time, cause my friend's mom didn't feel like it was safe to go out at night when the lights are still out :/ In the end we knocked on like two doors that didn't answer, and most people are still out at work too, so that was a fail \(>_<)
We ended up going to the playground area and doing flips or attempting them, cause we were just that bored xP
We ended up going to the playground area and doing flips or attempting them, cause we were just that bored xP
After fooling around outside, we went back to the house and played Mahjong xD (It's a Chinese tile game, and no it's not like the ones you see online where you match tiles...that is a fake -___-")
After a while, we ended up going to a different neighborhood that got its power back...we were so excited when we saw people walking outside trick-or-treating :'D
A Week Without Power.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨
Miki is sorry for bombing you two with an overload of posts, but I realize there's so much that I wanted to post like weeks ago, but never did (-___-") I apologize for slacking \(>_<)/ Once again, below is what I wrote about a week ago, but never posted...
This week without electricity has clearly been a poop (-___-") First off, having Monday and Tuesday off and without power was fine, but once it got to Wednesday...everything just went downhill (>_<) Wednesday was Halloween for crying out loud, and there aren't many years left to enjoy that after going off to college in two years (>_<) Anyways then there's the physics test that we were suppose to be given extra time to finish on Monday, but obviously that's not happening (TT___TT) there's also a physics quiz I had to makeup this week...not happening teacher put a zero in for that grade and it freaked me out when I saw it cause my grade dropped so much (Q_Q) then there's the physics extra credit project... now that I think about it, why is everything about physics? (>3<)/ Friday was the prep rally which who knows if it'll even be on anymore now that the day pasted already...stupid hurricane is ruining both the academics and fun :( just hoping the concert is still on for Big Bang :/ Miki's personal stuff aside, the damage it did to NJ and NY is complete poop (x_x)
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Clearing all the food before it goes bad (>_<) |
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Well this finally came into use x3 |
No heat at night is absolutely freezing, I heard some people didn't even have water out in NY :( my neighbor's two Christmas trees fell, luckily it didn't fall on their house (>0<) another tree about a block from my house around the corner also fell, and I heard that a tree fell on someone's house just by the street down the traffic lights by my neighborhood Dx The houses by the water area were either destroyed or flooded...I heard that a roller coaster fell into the water at seaside heights...
These were smaller cases, the worst thing I heard was that this women was carrying her two children, a four year old and a two year old...she left her house in her car but the car died and she got out of it with her children, but the water carried her children away Dx The two kids were found some hours later...both were dead (TT___TT) Honestly I feel so bad for her :( too many tragedies 2012 really coming?
Las Vegas (Day Three).•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨
Yo~! So finally we're up to my last day at Las Vegas...Yeah it was a pretty short trip :3 The day actually started out as a poop, cause I had to finish my English research paper that I had to email to my teacher before school ended...I thought I had some time, but then I remembered that in Las Vegas we were three hours behind...I had to freaking rush to finish so that it didn't look like I was slacking and doing it the last minute...which I was (o_o) ahah xP But my question is, if I send the email over at like 10a.m. in Las Vegas, would it show up as that time when my teacher receives it or will it be the time at her place which is like 1p.m? Well I finally finished my English research paper so yay~ The topic was on the Election of 2012, which I'm pretty sure I told you guys of my weakest subjects...why is life doing this to me (Q_Q) So after all that crap was done, we went to an arcade and circus themed hotel :3
It was the day for us children xD At first I was just half-hearted about going since I thought it was boring to go alone without anyone my age around, but then my heart was set on getting the prize xP I tried the claw-machines which was a fail cause the machine broke and the claw never went down (TT___TT) After quite some failing attempts to get this penguin stuff animal that I wanted to get, I went over to the rest of my family who were getting tickets from the machines :3 La Miki tried and after a a few tries with decent amount of tickets she hit the jackpot and got 148 tickets in one shot \(*O*)/ oh dear my luck decided to finally show up <3 My little cousin was also very lucky and played a rolling machine and got 100 tickets (o_o) and she's only 4! This lucky baby x3 In the end we used all the tickets to get her a Hello Kitty kit thing...idk what it was but it look cute xP Oh and the people working in the game stands gave her free prizes even when she didn't win (>3<) How I wish I was a little child and get free stuff xD
It was the day for us children xD At first I was just half-hearted about going since I thought it was boring to go alone without anyone my age around, but then my heart was set on getting the prize xP I tried the claw-machines which was a fail cause the machine broke and the claw never went down (TT___TT) After quite some failing attempts to get this penguin stuff animal that I wanted to get, I went over to the rest of my family who were getting tickets from the machines :3 La Miki tried and after a a few tries with decent amount of tickets she hit the jackpot and got 148 tickets in one shot \(*O*)/ oh dear my luck decided to finally show up <3 My little cousin was also very lucky and played a rolling machine and got 100 tickets (o_o) and she's only 4! This lucky baby x3 In the end we used all the tickets to get her a Hello Kitty kit thing...idk what it was but it look cute xP Oh and the people working in the game stands gave her free prizes even when she didn't win (>3<) How I wish I was a little child and get free stuff xD
Later we went to a different area of the hotel, where there was even more arcade games and stands x3 Miki got second place in one game too~ so close \(>O<) Then I met my fated penguin stuff-animal again (*-*) It was a must get, but it was worth 500 tickets (x_x) After much work, Miki finally got it with the help of my dear grandma who topped me and got 180 tickets in one shot, on the same game that I got my 148 tickets from o(>w<)o We left after getting my penguin and just walked around some more, then we ate Korean for the second time we're there...very delicious as usual (^-^) Part of my family went to the casino later that evening and we left for the plane at like 4a.m. the following morning on Saturday ending our mini-trip to Las Vegas :3
Las Vegas (Day Two).•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨
Sorry this is so late...I guess I kind of forgot about this after all the things that happened these last two weeks (>_<) Anyways this is what I had written sometime ago, but now I finally added the pictures xP
Hey~ So on the second day we basically went to different hotels and took pictures xP Sounds weird doesn't it (>w<) Well all the hotels had different themes so we were just visting and stuff x3 ...yeah I kind of realize as I am typing this that we didn't really do much in Las Vegas except walk and look (-___-") Still I took enough pictures to share with you guys x) Later that night we went to see a fire show, water show, and a pirate show all part of the advertisement from various hotels \(^-^) Sorry I don't have any pictures of the shows as of now, since by the time they started...which was at night, I ran out of batteries on my phone already xP I did take pictures with my mom's phone, it's going to be a while before I get to transfer them to the computer o(>_<)o As you two should know by now, Miki is a loser for anything cute and pretty that catches her eye, especially sceneries eheheh~ so that explains the overload of pictures on my phone o(>v<)o I even took pictures of the desserts in the buffet I was eating at for lunch (*O*) I going overboard (o_O)? Oh but my little cousin did get close to me over the days we were there in Las Vegas :D Well actually she got close to me on the first day...didn't take long, guess it was because I was the only other child in the family that went :3 plus I could actually keep up with her pace of running around everywhere 24/7 xP (My other little cousin couldn't go cause she had to take her piano pre-test TT___TT) Anyways enjoy the pictures :)
Hey~ So on the second day we basically went to different hotels and took pictures xP Sounds weird doesn't it (>w<) Well all the hotels had different themes so we were just visting and stuff x3 ...yeah I kind of realize as I am typing this that we didn't really do much in Las Vegas except walk and look (-___-") Still I took enough pictures to share with you guys x) Later that night we went to see a fire show, water show, and a pirate show all part of the advertisement from various hotels \(^-^) Sorry I don't have any pictures of the shows as of now, since by the time they started...which was at night, I ran out of batteries on my phone already xP I did take pictures with my mom's phone, it's going to be a while before I get to transfer them to the computer o(>_<)o As you two should know by now, Miki is a loser for anything cute and pretty that catches her eye, especially sceneries eheheh~ so that explains the overload of pictures on my phone o(>v<)o I even took pictures of the desserts in the buffet I was eating at for lunch (*O*) I going overboard (o_O)? Oh but my little cousin did get close to me over the days we were there in Las Vegas :D Well actually she got close to me on the first day...didn't take long, guess it was because I was the only other child in the family that went :3 plus I could actually keep up with her pace of running around everywhere 24/7 xP (My other little cousin couldn't go cause she had to take her piano pre-test TT___TT) Anyways enjoy the pictures :) be continued...
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