Miki is sorry for bombing you two with an overload of posts, but I realize there's so much that I wanted to post like weeks ago, but never did (-___-") I apologize for slacking \(>_<)/ Once again, below is what I wrote about a week ago, but never posted...
This week without electricity has clearly been a poop (-___-") First off, having Monday and Tuesday off and without power was fine, but once it got to Wednesday...everything just went downhill (>_<) Wednesday was Halloween for crying out loud, and there aren't many years left to enjoy that after going off to college in two years (>_<) Anyways then there's the physics test that we were suppose to be given extra time to finish on Monday, but obviously that's not happening (TT___TT) there's also a physics quiz I had to makeup this week...not happening again...my teacher put a zero in for that grade and it freaked me out when I saw it cause my grade dropped so much (Q_Q) then there's the physics extra credit project... now that I think about it, why is everything about physics? (>3<)/ Friday was the prep rally which who knows if it'll even be on anymore now that the day pasted already...stupid hurricane is ruining both the academics and fun :(
just hoping the concert is still on for Big Bang :/ Miki's personal stuff aside, the damage it did to NJ and NY is complete poop (x_x)
Clearing all the food before it goes bad (>_<) |
Well this finally came into use x3 |
No heat at night is absolutely freezing, I heard some people didn't even have water out in NY :( my neighbor's two Christmas trees fell, luckily it didn't fall on their house (>0<) another tree about a block from my house around the corner also fell, and I heard that a tree fell on someone's house just by the street down the traffic lights by my neighborhood Dx The houses by the water area were either destroyed or flooded...I heard that a roller coaster fell into the water at seaside heights...
These were smaller cases, the worst thing I heard was that this women was carrying her two children, a four year old and a two year old...she left her house in her car but the car died and she got out of it with her children, but the water carried her children away Dx The two kids were found some hours later...both were dead (TT___TT) Honestly I feel so bad for her :( too many tragedies lately...is 2012 really coming?
Haha~ I don't think it's the end of the world just yet Miki ^^;
ReplyDeleteHowever, Seaside Heights was terribly hit by the hurricane and Sea Bright is no longer Sea Bright. There's nothing there anymore. Literally nothing. Everything has been flooded, the sand dunes have been moved like five miles from where they used to be, and the boardwalk is gone...all gone. Jersey Shore is also demolished. I believe the senator is still determining whether or not repairing the towns is worth it.
Thank the heavens the Big Bang Alive Galaxy Tour was not canceled. If it had been cancelled, I would have punched a baby (not really, but you know what I mean). It was the best day of my entire life. >O<
Also, I'm also thankful that we are all safe and sound. Thank the lord that we weren't hit as severely as the rest of NJ. The only bad part was having no power and being cold, but it could have been worse. And having two weeks of school off was kind of a nice break, despite that we have so much work to make-up. I'm adjusting well to all the make-up tests and work. My teachers were all very nice and lenient about it all.
Lol you never know :P Funny thing is that my friend's birthday is actually December 21st, and she's turning 18 this year too xD
ReplyDeleteOkay if the senator doesn't do anything about this damage or repair it somehow, I'm going to be mad cause we didn't ask for this to happen... They shouldn't be still considering whether it's "worth" fixing up the towns or not, they should be doing something already!!! I bet if it was California that was this wrecked, they would immediately repair everything right away just cause it's an area of bigger profit :/
And lol Mika you just said exactly what my friend always says when something goes wrong, direct quote= "...I'm literally going to punch/shoot a baby" though she doesn't actually mean it x3 Our marking period got expanded, because the week we had off because of the storm was suppose to be the last week :/ and SAME~ my teachers are rather lenient with the work...as of now I only need to worry about bringing my Physics grade up (>_<)