Nihao \(^O^)/ So due to the hurricane and lost of electricity, Halloween for us was officially pushed back to Monday November 5th instead x3 I went with some friends to a neighborhood nearby...the place didn't have power back on yet, so we were all debating whether we should actually knock on the doors...we even joked that we're literally going to get hit/attacked by someone for asking for candy at a time like this xP Anyways, it was in the afternoon time, cause my friend's mom didn't feel like it was safe to go out at night when the lights are still out :/ In the end we knocked on like two doors that didn't answer, and most people are still out at work too, so that was a fail \(>_<)
We ended up going to the playground area and doing flips or attempting them, cause we were just that bored xP
After fooling around outside, we went back to the house and played Mahjong xD (It's a Chinese tile game, and no it's not like the ones you see online where you match tiles...that is a fake -___-")
After a while, we ended up going to a different neighborhood that got its power back...we were so excited when we saw people walking outside trick-or-treating :'D
>O< You guys are too cute~!!
ReplyDeleteHahaha~ I feel awkward trick-or-treating now that I'm older, but it's great that you guys had fun. I don't think I ever really enjoyed Halloween ^^;
Naaah~ I'm still going trick-or-treating until after my senior year x3 so next year will be my last :/ but even after that I can still pass as a grade-school student xP and oh?(o_O) why not?