Well, this wasn't the post that I was talking about Mika-chan, but I do have some things to say~
Ok, first on the list is Thanksgiving
The only downside to it was that, instead of the usual delicious turkey gravy that is expected to sit right next to that very famous fat bird, there was gross sh-- e n e It was gravy, but not turkey gravy. It was this over salty blue cheese white gravy that shouldn't even belong on the kitchen table. Well, we were invited to my parents' friends' house and they made it, so I should be thankful and not complain, but when you take away both my turkey gravy AND my pumpkin pie.... e A e
So, anywhoos... wow, I actually have a lot to write about
I just wanted to post a real quick, really late Thanksgiving message of why I am thankful to you guys.
I am thankful to you guys because, so far, you have been the only friends to stick with me since I moved. None of my other friends get in contact with me, and when they do, it's not for that long of a time. You two were also the ones that showed me that good friendship can last for a long time and that I shouldn't give up on trying. I am so thankful that God chose you two to be the two people that I will receive good memories with, even if there is over a thousand miles between us (I think). I still remember the day that I met both of you. At that time I didn't know that I was going to be gaining the most awesome, smartest (smarter than me e n e), talented, creative, and altogether beautiful people as the ones I would call the peanuts to my butter~
If that sounds cheesy, I am sorry. I could write and type and sit and cry for hours expressing how big your existences have been in my life.
Aand, here's an awesome little tid bit e v e
I'm going to be getting my learners permit sooon!!
That means that I'll be one step closer to getting my license and being able to drive out to see you two<3
Now THAT is something else I am thankful for
After asking and waiting my parents just randomly said "Hey Emily, we are taking you down to the courthouse so you can get your learners permit." It was so out of the blue that I was like "... er..... o-ok .-." instead of jumping around saying "FINALF***INGLY!" (excuse my French) but that's how I felt a few minutes after getting over the shock~
Well, first comes the permit, then the license, then the driving out for a visit~
I shall be counting down the days for that > v <
And now, for the last thing on my list
Help ; A ;
No motivation for art!
I neeeed heelppp!!
Ok, I'm good~
The feeling is mutual Miku \(^-^) We are both very thankful for your existence too :') You two are so lucky to be able to get your permits and stuff alrdy :3 When you guys get your driver's licenses don't forget about meh D: Anyways Miki is really glad that you somehow managed to find time for this blog :D As for art... (TT___TT) sniffle* Miki too needs motivation~ I don't know what to draw and submit to my school's Nation Art Honors Society (-___-") The deadline's the 14th and my mind's a blank...too my drafts, but nothing creative enough Dx