That aside, getting there was pretty fun :3 Miki enjoyed the train ride, which seemed pretty short, maybe cause we were fangirling and eating munchkins, at least I was... nomnomnom the whole time xP The line when we got there was literally from one end of the street to the other, and around the corner (x_x) Some girls waited there since like 4a.m. in the morning and I met one who came all the way from Nebraska dear Miku-chan x3 (Btw sorry if the photos are a bit dark >3<)
Miki also brought three souvenirs...a headband, a light stick, and a t-shirt x3 Wasted so much money that day, but it was all worth it for BIGBANG~ (^O^)/ Except for the chicken caesar salad I brought outside Prudential Center, for eight dollars, it was crap...the chicken was hard and crunchy (=A=) There was a Korean store that sold Bubble Tea and warm food down the block but it was closed when we got there (TT___TT) even though it says it closes at like 5p.m. and it was not even near that time yet Dx After entering into Prudential Center, Miki got some actual food :3 ...But as of now I am currently broke Dx
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Warm food yay xD |
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Some friends from school we met up with later inside
Prudential Center :)
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It was so narrow and steep that if Miki took one stupid step, she would be tumbling down to the stage (>A<) |
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Below is the VIP section...apparently 1000 people (o.O)? |
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The seat went up pretty high too \(>_<) |
Ahem, now time for Miki to fangirl kyaa~ (>v<)/ G-Dragon, as usual, is so freaking amazing and talented x3 not to mention hot \(>v<)/ as Seungri says, he is a GENIUS :D TOP definitely made all the fangirls lose their voices from screaming so loud...I swear the moment he came out my ears were about to burst (x_x) But still~ did anyone see the encore video Seungri posted on youtube? TOP was so cute eeps~ (>///<)/check it out if you haven't yet (0:35-0:55) xD I died laughing at this, not to mention Seungri's little giggle in the end Eheheh~ Daesung is a freaking angel with his wings~ (*0*)/ Tenshi I tell chuuu~ Soon followed by a nosebleed when the others ripped off his shirt during the encore (>///<) goodness~ And Taeyang, why couldn't I be the one to get your jacket (TT___TT) same goes to the panda head/hat that Seungri wore \(>o<)/ Now Seungri...ahem... was organizing the stuff animals into a neat little row on stage pfft x3 your dorkiness is just adorable <3 (Just a few picture here of the concert...Miki took more videos than pictures though so yeah...)
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2012 November 9th |
So after all the screaming and kyaa~ing and nosebleeds xP I went with my friends to the back entrance and we saw Taeyang in his car (*O*) Most of the girls there basically mobbed his car...Miki followed others to the car too, but quickly ran back, cause the car was literally going to hit us (it stopped and then suddenly pushed forward) me if it was legal the driver would run over all of us (-___-") Anyways I was initially about a meter or two away, which is pretty far when he's so close... *sigh* so close yet so far is so true in this case... Sadly after returning to the side, the distance was at least 3 meters away :( I was kind of disappointed, but then Taeyang looked at my direction/side and smiled while holding up a peace sign (Q_Q) Taeyang, why must you be so cute~ definitely just jumped up on my bias list o(>3<)o ...still I apologize for acting so rash, cause it was probably more proper to not go towards the car...regardless of the fact that there are many other girls charging over and banging on the window (-___-") I must admit I am kind of jealous of those who got to see him up close, but I'm content that Taeyang was so sweet to look at all his fans <3
The Monday we got back to school, we all decided to wear our BIGBANG shirts and during the week after the concert, we were still talking and kyaa-ing about it xP Especially when we're already discussing/planning for kpop section this year for our APC (Asian Pacific Club) show x3
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