Tuesday, July 23, 2013

missed my stop

Hello hello my lovelies~! Today, something really terrifying happened D: I MISSED MY BUS STOP!!!!!!! I was coming home from work and I fell asleep on the bus Q-Q When I woke up, we had already passed my bus stop! So I got off at the next stop, which was thankfully close to my house and still in my town >O<" But I was so scared and when I got off the bus, I almost cried. I called my mom to come pick me up, but I was so scared that I ended up yelling at her and my sister to hurry up and such. le sigh~ i need to learn to control my temper...but you know how people say that when something good happens, something bad always follows? I honestly believe that is true now. Because yesterday, I had my EMT class test WHICH WAS SO HARD OHMYGOD! But I passed. Funny story, actually. I got a 69 which is 1 point below passing, but the instructors marked a question that I got right wrong, so I got one point back and therefore passed the test! :D I know it's not an awesome grade, but it's a pass, and I'll take it! ^O^ Then another good thing happened this morning! I saw my friend on the bus and we sat and we talked more than usual to each other and it was great! He told me about his night and why he was so tired this morning. Pfft~ And then at work, my data was so perfect and I was super prepared and I knew exactly what to do and the professor even trusted me to work by myself in the lab and he left early! AND I GOT TO COME HOME EARLIER THAN USUAL~! It was awesome. But then I missed my stop....BUT WHATEVER. All in all it was a pretty good day I think.

1 comment:

  1. Ahaha sorry Mika xD I just can't :') I know I shouldn't be laughing, but still~ you have to admit that it's funny that you missed your bus stop :P It's like a seeing a little lost kitsune wandering around like "OMG where the hell am I!? (Q_Q)" Well at least you had your phone so all safe and sound now right? :)
