Now for the next month, I thank life for giving us the first week of November off so that I can fully enjoy Big Bang's concert woot (^O^)! Life is finally complete Huhu~ \(>v<)/ Although honestly the moment it turned 10:00am last Saturday, it was the start of a life or death battle against all the Big Bang fangirls on the Eastern Coast (Q_Q) It's hell scary and nerve wrecking, which Mika knows what I'm talking about :') But in the end we made it and got some pretty decent seats, so thank you everyone <3 Following Big Bang's concert is Miku and Mika's Birthday :D Time to gift wrap a BIG present for you two~ Actually before your birthdays or Big Bang's Concert, it is my mom and aunt's birthday, so more shopping to do \(>3<) I'm not kidding, I'm going to be broke by the end of the year, especially with Christmas shopping around the corner too (@_@) Aside from Thanksgiving, that's about it, but Mika can we go Christmas shopping together this year by any chance? And Miku, why must you live so far Dx Still Christmas is a special time of the year and during High School I began to care more about the presents I give to my family, as compared to Middle School when I even gave small gifts to friends who were not that close to me, which was probably a waste of money now that I think about it...oh well :P Waaah~ Miki can't wait for all of this, even though there's still months to go, not to mention a bunch of work, then again I must plan ahead of time just to keep everything organized! And Mika can we plan a day to wrap presents and stuff together? Oh~ Miki is so excited* Heheh x3
Ah and just as an update of my current life, the tennis match today was canceled because of a schedule mix-up with the other team and we went all the way to Edison just to be sent back home (=___=") And as of now I am actually learning something in school, which is Physics :3 Taking careful and neat notes just incase, I mean they should help when I take pre-calc. over the summer right? :) And I know some of my friends will need it next year, since there are already people who need my Chemistry notes from last year... Truly feeling sympathy for those who have my Chemistry teacher only words to them is "good luck, I hope you survive this year with at least a decent grade" :') Miki passed that class last year with mainly A minuses, but it was through actual work and struggle...haven't done that in a while xP Also, at the moment, Miki is watching the Kdrama "To The Beautiful You" which has Minho from Shinee and Sulli from F(x)...anyone else watching it? Exo-M still didn't appear in the drama even though they were in the promotion poster :'( sniffle* But as I wait for new episodes to comes out, I'm re-watching Dream High, well it's more like it's playing in the background while i do my homework xD Finally, it's time for me to finish my homework for today so bye bye~! (>0<)/ Hope I didn't bore you two to death with this long post xP
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"To The Beautiful You" |
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(This was before we got our uniforms...) Our JV Tennis team became a study group as we waited for the bus that never came one day (-___-") |
UWAHHHH~!!! I'M SO EXCITED!! OMG! GETTING TICKETS WAS LIKE GOING INTO AN ALL OUT WAR WITH ALL THE CRAZY FANGIRLS! BUT WE WON OUT!!! So many girls in my school were so upset because they couldn't get tickets. XD LOL. My friends Cristina and Brianna are super duper excited. They've been waiting for this since it was announced in June!~ And Miki, YES! Let's get together to wrap presents! I'm not going to dress up for Halloween this year, but I am going to next year. It'll remain a secret :3 eheh~! I'm so excited~!!! ACK, the only thing that could make this any better is if I get over a 2200 on my SATs. After that, my life will be complete. XD