Sunday, September 2, 2012

♪ ─── moving in ─── ♪

Hai-hai guys~!! This is going to be a very short post, i think.
I don't have much time to write today. Q-Q
So yesterday, my family and I helped my sister move in to her dorm.
SO TIRING~ It was FACKING HOT too!!!! ugh~
Anyways, we moved her stuff in and met her roommate and all~
Her roommate seems like a nice girl. 
Her room however is DISGUSTING. I do not want to dorm anymore.
Or at least not on her campus. SO GROSS. Everything is sticky!!
health it.
But yea....hmm what else?
I missed three days of studying so I feel very uneasy...isn't that weird?
I'm like having "study separation anxiety"
I've been busy helping my sister shop for her dorm and helping her move it all in and everything.
But I'm getting back on track for studying today, so I'mma study my ass off all day. I really need to focus.
I'm such a simple-minded and dense person, that I might as well be a single-celled organism.
I get distracted so easily by the smallest thing Q-Q
But I'm trying my hardest~
Let's what else.....
OH! I'm getting my hair cut again. Except this time it'll be super super short ^O^;
I'll explain in another post next time after I get it cut~
That's all for now


  1. Oh dear (o_o) What college is she going to again?

    1. haha. she's going to Rutgers in New Brunswick, so it's not too far that I won't be able to see her often~ ^O^
