aren't i so spiffy looking?
i would totally date me~ *^O^* |
Hai-hai guys~!! So today was my first day of school...and it was kind of bad. I had to see people I didn't really want to see and it was especially bad because they were acting really fake towards me and one even shoved my arm in the hallway, which would be alright with me normally since we have crowded hallways, but she did it on purpose. Le sigh~ it's gonna be a tough year, but I think I'll be okay... Some people made some bad remarks on my hair and stuff, but I just kind of brushed it off. I spent my lunch break just kind of wandering around the school and sitting in my locker bank listening to my iPod. I must seem like a total loser to everybody. But it's better than feeling left out at my usual lunch table with people that don't like me anymore. I tried to integrate myself back in, but they kind of shoved me out... I wonder if I'll be alone during lunch for the entire year...that would suck so bad. The same girls also made some snide comments about my appearance, I think. They were looking at me and whispering and make weird faces and laughing, so I assume they were making fun of me...eheh~ ^^;; Oh, but there's this one girl who's in all my morning classes and she's really nice and we get along. At least I'll have someone to work with during classes. Oh. she also watches Korean and Japanese dramas, and she was like "OMG, you look like Jae Hee from To the Beautiful You!!!~~!! *fangirl scream*" Hahaha~ My teachers said they like my hair :3 although, I can tell if they really mean or if they're just being polite. The sophomores, formally freshmen, are as annoying and invasive as ever. They seem to think they're hot shit and own the whole friggin place. I really don't like underclassmen. So rude and annoying. They clog the hallways like cholesterol in an artery bahh. Oh, my school had some changes over the summer~ we get less homework now and one of our science labs is being turned into a tissue culture lab for us to work in during science competition time. I have classes with some people that I don't really like as well. Whatever shall become of poor me. Well, it's not like I can care, right? It's as loud as ever in the lunch room, oh did I mention that I'm writing this post on my iPod at school during lunch. Yes, I am sitting on my bum tapping away, however, I'll probably finish this post when I get home. I also took some pictures of my school to show you guys. I really do like my school, but I guess I'm not really compatible with the people in it. Le sigh~
So, I am back at home. I took quite a long nap and stuff as soon as I got home. My bussing is all messed up so my mom is just going to pick me up from school most days if possible as well as drop off in the morning. Which is fine by me since I don't really feel like I fit in on the bus. Like, the other people on my bus have been together on the same bus since freshmen year, but I keep getting moved around, so whenever they mention their inside jokes and everything, I don't really understand. And after November, I'll have my license, so I'll just drive to school. But my parents are here to support 100% and push me, although sometimes they push a little too hard. I'm going to work really hard this year and give everything 200% of me. Let's all work hard this year~!!
my beautiful nerdy school~
middle row, first picture: that lab is being turned into a tissue culture lab~!!
My locker number is 123~!! Isn't that so funny?
And the first thing I thought of was...."one., two, three musketeers" |
Haha one two three musketeers <3 yay~ my Mika-chan found someone :'D and it's true that you look like Jae Hee, that's what I thought when I saw it o(>3<)o so cute I just want to ruffle your hair xD ...but these girl (=_=) aren't they ashamed of how nasty and fake they're being!? :[ Mika-chan don't worry we'll always be here to support you too~ You are definitely no loser, in my opinion people who act like those girls are the real losers in life, trying to act all cool and funny by making others feel bad...gaaah kjgjrtu30948ekveynurwx I'm ready to attack them with my kungfu panda skills on your command \(*-*)/