Thursday, November 8, 2012

♪─── i miss you ────♪

Hai-hai, my fluffy snowballs~! It snowed really hard yesterday and now my development is a beautiful winter wonderland~ Did you guys know that my favorite season is winter? ☆〜(ゝ。∂)I love the snow and everything is just so crisp and white~! Even the air feels fresher and cleaner. Ahaha~ I know that sounds really weird but it's how I feel about winter. Also, I prefer cold weather over hot weather. Maybe it's because I'm habitually a cold person. My body tends to be of a cold temperature rather than hot. In the winter though is Christmas and New Years and I'm pretty sure that even though my birthday is in November, it's during the Winter-y season. I love the holiday season because its a time of peace and joy and loving and giving. I'm a very cheesy person if you hadn't noticed already ^^; I can't wait until I'm older and I can spend the holidays with whomever I wish. Obviously I'll be spending them with you guys :3 I have a very idealistic plan for us when we get older (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) I don't enjoy being far away or separated from the people that I love like my family and friends. So I propose that after we finish college, we all get an apartment or house together!~ lol, this is my little dream. We've been apart for so long and we'll be apart for a little longer during college and I miss everyone. Which brings me to my next point. Is it possible for everyone to keep one day in the week open? Not the whole day but like the evening. Maybe after 6 or 7 o clock so that it's after dinner? I'd really like it if at least once every other week we could voice call on Skype and talk. I know we're all really busy but twice a month shouldn't be too bad, right? Anyways, that concludes my little shpiel for today.

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