Saturday, July 21, 2012

♪ ─── SAT doodling ──── ♪

eheh~! another purikura  ♥
I love the sparkly stars~! *^O^*
Hai-hai, my fluffy strawberry shortcakes~!
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
YAY~! Hooray for Saturdays~!! ♥ /sigh
But I still need to study TT____TT so much SAT studying. >.< BUT I CAN DO IT! IT IS FOR THE GOOD OF MY FUTURE~!!! ...but it's still so tiring and boring. Miki, Miku, SAVE ME~!!! I'm taking a 30 minute break right now to write this blog-post. And then I must get back to my studying. Please send me a care package. I need something to cheer me up from all this dullness. (o(*゚▽゚*)o) This kitsune-chan is losing morale...tweet tweet. AND her butt is also being flattened like crazy from sitting for so long everyday. My bum is going to be qualified as a table by the end of summer. TT______TT

On another note, Miku, I listened to Alesana~! ☆ Not my favorite, but I don't dislike it either. I've been listening to We The Kings a lot lately. Especially the songs Say You Like Me and She Takes Me High. Miku I think you might like the band Icon for Hire~! They're really good :3 I like them a lot. I've also been listening to Owl City (love♥) and Evanescence and Paramore and Anti-Flag. Hm, I think I'm going through a phase. hee-hee~!

And changing the subject again, I think Mother Nature is PMS-ing. (= O =)" What's with all this ridiculous weather?!!!!~ Yesterday, I was freezing my a** off~!!!! The day before, I felt like I was going to melt into the ground!! And then today, it was so sunny this morning and now it's all cloudy!!! WHAT FRESH HELL IS THIS?! Oh, but I prefer cold weather over hot weather. O(≧∇≦)O So, rain is good. (o_o)b

ONE MORE SUBJECT CHANGE~!!! ☆ eheh~! SAT class is so boring that I end up zoning out and doodling in my book. the teacher is really nice...but the class teaches things that I already know from common knowledge and stuff I learned in school, so it's pretty bland. >///< these are the fruits of my boredom. o(*^O^*)o i think i done pretty good. :3 but there's still room for improvement. (o u o)

eheh~ ♥ his hair was so difficult >O<
>///< guys w/ glasses are so attractive ♥

O-O i'd be equally surprised if this happened.
I wonder who the guy is... *O*
hee-hee~! ♥ I want a large bear like that too~


  1. I love We The Kings :DD
    And, I know, Alesana isn't the kind of cup of tea that everyone will like, but I still love them.
    Also, how do you draw guys t; A ;t
    I'm still having a buttload of trouble with them Q A Q

    1. hee-hee~
      I'm sure if I listen to 'em more, i'll come to like Alesana~ :D
      And guys are sharper than girls most of the time, unless you're drawing a bishounen. they're also quite leaner and less rounded than girls. very defined. /drool

  2. Mika they're so good (*O*)b How long did they take o(>3<)o & Don't worry Miku I'm having the same stupid problem with drawing guys (TT___TT)" They usually end up looking more like girls...It's a trap(O_O)

    1. LOL~! oty miki-chan~ they didn't take very long, maybe an hour or so? guys are quite tedious to draw because i get the urge to put eyelashes on their eyes but then they end up looking like androgynous girls. D:
